Alarm Clock - Debenhams ● Mason Cup - The Range ● Bedsheets - Debenhams ● Bowl - The Range ● Elephant Statue - The Range
Heading away to university is one of those decisions that is bittersweet, on one hand I am following my dreams and potentially becoming a better me but on the other hand I am moving away from my friends and family. I don't know what effect the university experience will have on me as a person however I do know that if I don't give it a go, that I will never know.
So with all these feelings and emotions aside I have been preparing for when I move into my student accommodation, ticking off items from my ever-expanding list. I thought I would share some of the non-essential, mostly, items that I will be taking to uni with me. I thought I'd spare everyone pictures of pots and pans. Most of the items I have bought are for decoration purposes as I am dreading the thought of getting to the room I'll be living in for the next year only to be greeted with a square room with bland blank walls and not being able to make it mine and spice it up a little. Hopefully in the future, I will be able to share some pictures of my nicely-decorated, hopefully, university dorm.
If I don't talk about university again, which let's face it I probably will, I hope everyone that is moving into university soon has a great experience and anyone who is not going is doing what's best for them!
Thanks for reading.
Ellie x
The mason jars are great for both decoration and storage and I seem to have gone for a turquoise colour theme so the cup-style jar fits in perfectly.
Mini shopping basket - The Range ● Pushpins - Staples
Most of these items are non-essential but the mini shopping basket really nails that point home. Come on though, it is so cute I just had to have it. I am thinking of storing stationary or my everyday make-up essentials in there.
Cute duck pushpins for my five year old self that will be perfect for a cork board full of memories.
Maybe the only essential item in this post are the ring binders, Staples had some really nice ones and I had a pretty big stationary haul in there. Any excuse to buy stationary.
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